Pneumatic Lear Remover, 1 Reversible Head, 4-Function Hydraulic Valve for Position Adjustment, Joystick Control, Oil Cooler, Rear 3-Pt Mount For Grapes
OLMI 430 R
General Information

OLMI 430 R

Pneumatic Leaf Remover with One Fixed Head

Olmi 430R Image.png

Technical Data of the Standard configuration

1 Adjustable head w/rotating air delivery nozzles

3 Electric /hydraulic adjustments: frame up & down, frame angled 30 degrees left or right, frame in & out towards fruit,  head adjustable

Joystick control

3-point mounted air compressor

Mounted on rear 3-point hitch


Air System
Working Speed 2.5 - 3.5 mph
Working Pressure Adjustable from 7 - 13 PSI
Hydraulic System
Hydraulic Functions / Frame Frame: Up & Down, Tilt Left & Right, In & Out from Tree Row
Hydraulic Functions / Heads Head is adjustable through 30º
Joystick Controller Electric / Hydraulic control for 3 Functions
Machine Mounting
Rear 3-Point Hitch Included in Price
Dimensions and Weights
Weight 882 lb
Model / Options Description Price Total
OLMI 430 R Pneumatic Lear Remover, 1 Reversible Head, 4-Function Hydraulic Valve for Position Adjustment, Joystick Control, Oil Cooler, Rear 3-Pt Mount For Grapes $29,900 $29,900
Subtotal Carraro List Price $29,900
Less 20% Dealer Discount ($5,980)
Tractor Total $23,920
Dealer Cost $23,920
Customer Total Selling Price $23,920

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