4WD, Reversible, 74.2 HP, 540/540e PTO (280/85 R20 front/320/85 R24) Tier 4 Final Kubota Engine
TRG 8900 R
General Information

TRG 8900 R

Tractors with front steering
Four wheel drive –
Front & rear final drive


Technical Data of the Standard configuration

Air cleaner with internal intake dry filter; Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) inside the hood.
Synchronized transmission gearbox with 32 speeds, 16 fwd + 16 rev, and synchronized shuttle reverser; PTO 540/540e independent and ground speed with progressive hydraulic engagement; Start inhibit switch on shuttle reverser and PTO selector; Start inhibit switch on shuttle reverser and PTO selector, seat and clutch;
Electrohydraulic front/rear or only rear differential lock; Electrohydraulic disengagement control for front drive wheels; Hydraulic clutch; Engine rpm control with double memory (Cruise Control)
Lifting capacity 5280 lbs; Lift arms with quick couplings, coupling balls group 2 and connection spring; Front towing device; Swinging drawbar.
Hydraulic front/rear oil bath disc brakes, independent rear steering brakes; Emergency and parking brake band type on transmission.
Hydraulic steering wheel with through-rod cylinder; Digital multifunctional dashboard with display and diagnostic function;
Reversible driving position; Forward foldable front safety roll bar (r.o.p.s.); Platform chassis on Silent-block; Minimum external width (280/85 R20 front / 320/85 R24 rear), 55.7 in; Adjustable padded ergonomic seat with retractable seat belt; Rear-view mirror; battery isolation switch.
2 years warranty; with the opportunity to extend the guarantee up to 4 years.
TRX TRG 8900 R
ENGINE Kubota Tier 4 Final
Cylinders 4 – 16 valves
Power 54.6 kW / 74.2 hp
Displacement (CC) 3769
Torque Max 335/1500
Injection common rail
Cooling water
Induction turbo
Synchronized gearbox and shuttle reverser 16 fwd + 16 rev
PTO 540/540e/sync (Type 100)
Digital multifunctional dashboard standard
Double Acting distributors 2
Simple Acting distributors 1
Oil Reflow 1
Lub. oil pumps 2
Circuit independent
Hydraulic power lift with draft and position control + damping standard
Weight with roll bar 4905/5302 lbs
Weight with cab 5324/5721 lbs
Rear working light standard
Steering wheel adjustable
Front (adjustable rims) 280/85 R20
Rear (adjustable rims) 320/85 R24
Model / Options Description Price Total
TRG 8900 R 4WD, Reversible, 74.2 HP, 540/540e PTO (280/85 R20 front/320/85 R24) Tier 4 Final Kubota Engine $71,806 $71,806
US Pricing Additive from Italy Must be included in all configurations $345 $0
Less Tires & Wheels $-1,196 $0
320/70 R20 front and 360/70 R24 rear tires (adjustable rims)  $150 $0
300/80-15.3 front and 360/70 R20 rear tires (adjustable rims) (will need to remove wheel weights to adjust wheel width) $-310 $0
320/70 R20 front and 420/65 R24 rear tires (adjustable rims)  $494 $0
280/70-18 front and 360/70 R20 rear tires (adjustable rims)  $-322 $0
AIR Cab -- FOPS and ROPS- certified cab; Soundproof platform with thermal insulation; roof with rear skylight; windscreens; openable rear glass; heating system with dust filter; ventilation system with continuous variation speed (speed control); electric front-rear 2-speed windscreen wipers and washers; courtesy and door-opening lights; 2 external + 1 internal rear view mirrors; 2 rear and 2 front work LED spotlights; unipolar plug, detachable plate holder; air conditioning system with cooler and heat exchanger and inner air re-circulation; holder pocket; TRIMARK ergonomic handles, doors with gas shock absorbers; upholstered fenders and platforms; rotating light support with internal switch; suitable for stereo system and additional work spotlights; suitable for category 4 pressurization. $13,524 $0
Cat 4 - active charcoal filters - (for cab) $1,230 $0
Additional front/rear working lights -- for AIR cab $494 $0
Rear enlarged lights -- in combination with AIR cab $552 $0

Pneumatic suspension seat with height regulation and automatic driver-weight adjustment (from 110-290 lbs) MGH standard configuration

$402 $0
Vinyl Grammer Seat (air suspension with load display, reclining backrest, lumbar support) ** For open station version $886 $0
Fabric Grammer seat (fabric covering, air suspension with load display, reclining backrest, lumbar support) ** for cab version $1,196 $0
540/1000 PTO $1,012 $0
Gearbox w/PTO 540-540S RPM (540S: 540 PTO rpm at 2060 engine rpm) $954 $0
E-Drive: Reverser and slow/fast group electro-hydraulically activated with pre-select function $2,369 $0
13 GPM Hydraulic Pump + oil cooler -- for joystick versions $507 $0
ACS (Automatic Cleaning System): self-cleaning system for the radiator $3,346 $0
Pair of cast iron flanges (6 Spoke), 143 Lbs each -- for 20" rear wheels MGH standard configuration $920 $0
Pair of cast iron flanges (6 Spoke), 180 Lbs each -- ** for 24" Rear Tires ** $897 $0
Pair of front wheel ballasts (77 lbs ea) MGH standard configuration $586 $0
Pair of rear wheel ballasts. (77lbs ea) (Cannot be combined with cast iron flanges)  $586 $0
Second pair of front wheel ballasts.(77lbs ea) $586 $0
Second pair of rear wheel ballasts.(77lbs ea) $586 $0
Front weights mounted on side of hood (2+2 total 195 lbs) MGH standard configuration $1,012 $0
Front bull bar MGH standard configuration $1,104 $0
Front 3pt hitch plus 1 double acting control valve operating 2 outlets (requires code H08012) MGH highly recommends this option $2,542 $0
Front 3pt hitch with balanced descent valve + front hydraulic engine + 1 DA + 1 float, DA + oil reflow (replicated from rear system)(requires code H08012) -- requires electro-proportional joystick code H06057 or H06072 (total 6 front flat-face couplings.  This also converts rear couplings to flat-face) $3,519 $0
Rear 3pt linkage w/adjustable bar and quick couplings MGH standard configuration $299 $0
Hydraulic power lift with electronic draft and position control power lift with damping; includes hydraulic center link and RH vertical tie rod - Not available with H22001/H22009 $2,970 $0
Hydraulic 3pt and RH vertical tie rod plus 2 DA with mini plugs (4 quick couplings), for mechanical draft control lift - not available with H09019 or joystick $2,355 $0
Hydraulic center link and RH vertical tie rod - in combination with joystick options $821 $0
Electro-proportional hyd system controlled by joystick --High-Performance Joystick with double driver safety system and integrated control unit with user-adjustable settings; 11 rear couplings: 1 Dbl Acting, 1 float. Dbl Acting, 1 Sgl Acting, 2 Dbl Acting w/mini-outlets, 1 Oil Ref., 1 continuous delivery, 1 electric control signal by joystick;1 rear 1/4" Oil Ref.; Floating power lift control by joystick with automatic lift engagement (with control light); Control by joystick for PTO engagement (with control lights); continuous delivery activation with control lights) and electric oil flow settings; Proportional power lift with valve for balanced descent and closing; Electronic flow limiter on all DA outlets. $8,694 $0
Electro-proportional hyd system controlled by joystick with hydraulic suspension on the rear power lift with: --HigH-Performance Joystick with double driver safety system and integrated control unit with user-adjustable settings; 11 rear couplings: 1 Dbl Acting, 1 float. Dbl Acting, 1 Sgl Acting, 2 Dbl Acting w/mini-outlets, 1 Oil Ref., 1 continuous delivery, 1 electric control signal by joystick;1 rear 1/4" Oil Ref.; Floating power lift control by joystick with automatic lift engagement (witn control light); UNIFLEX hydraulic suspension on the rear power lift with control and settings on display; Control by joystick for PTO engagement (with control lights); continuous delivery activation (with control lights) and electric oil flow settings; Proportional power lift with valve for balanced descent and closing; Electronic flow limiter on all DA outlets; Unloading valve - draft & position control is no longer available with this option. $11,845 $0
Continuous delivery complete with oversized hydraulic pump + oil cooler -- not compatible with joystick-controlled hydraulic system and/or (H50034) MGH standard configuration $1,668 $0
$2,229 $0
$0 $0
Subtotal Carraro List Price $71,806
Less 20% Dealer Discount ($14,361)
Tractor Total $57,445
Dealer Cost $57,444.80
Customer Total Selling Price $57,444.80

Dealer Info:

Salesman Info:


“Valid from February 1st 2021”


Antonio Carraro S.p.A. (hereinafter A. Carraro) is an industrial company operating in the production and sale of tractors, machinery and equipment for agriculture and the environment.

All  A. Carraro  products  are  guaranteed  free  from  manufacturing  and/or  assembly  defects  and  fit  for  their intended purpose.

The terms of the warranty, which are normally 24 months for products in stock at the Dealership (commencing from the date of the invoice), 24 months from the moment of handover to the end customer or a maximum of 2000 operating hours, whichever comes first, are indicated in the general conditions of warranty in the Certificate of Delivery and in any case are no greater than the general terms indicated above.  

Any repair and/or replacement operations carried out during the warranty period shall not affect the expiration date of the warranty.

Vehicles in stock at the Dealership

If  the  vehicle  in stock is  not  sold  by  the  dealership  within  24  months  from the invoice date,  the  warranty  shall  be automatically activated at the dealership and the 24 month warranty shall commence from that moment.

If the vehicle is sold to the end customer thereafter, the terms of the warranty shall remain unchanged, the Dealership shall be personally responsible for the fulfillment of the obligations to the end customer for the warranty or residual warranty period.

Warranty between the interested parties

The warranty issued by A. Carraro governs the manufacturer's obligations towards the Dealership. In turn, the Dealership is responsible for the provision of services under warranty to the end customer, undertaking to effect any repair or replacement operations under warranty on its own responsibility and at its own expense.

Dealership’s commitments

The Dealership is obliged to organize a suitable repair workshop with adequate equipment, up-to-date technical documentation and any specific tools (including those indicated by A. Carraro Technical Assistance Service), based on the type and number of products sold and in operation within its territory.

The Dealership shall send at its own expense its own technical personnel to the A. Carraro technical training center for a period of training at least one a year, in accordance with the various training modules proposed.  In the event of failure to participate in the training modules, in cases where specialized A. Carraro personnel are required for the repair of vehicles under warranty, the A. Carraro Technical Assistance Service shall not accept liability for the labor provided by the dealership, and may, additionally consider whether to charge for the relative costs sustained.

The Dealership is obliged to sell and install on A. Carraro products original parts supplied directly by A. Carraro, otherwise the warranty shall be deemed invalid.  



The date on which the end customer warranty cover commences shall be the handover date indicated in the Certificate of Delivery.  The Certificate of Delivery issued  by  the  Dealership  to  the  purchaser  at  the  moment  of  product  handover establishes the period of time for which the warranty is valid. It also confirms that the Dealership has provided the customer with instructions regarding the correct use and maintenance of the product.

At the time of product handover, the Dealership is invited to carry out the checking and pre-delivery inspection operations.  It must then fully register the Certificate of Delivery and also complete the other forms required.

The  Dealership  must have the customer sign the certificate, send a copy by email to the address darren@antoniocarrarus.com no later than 60 days after the handover date, keep the original paper copy and give a copy to the end customer. 

In  the  case  of  failure  to  send  the  Certificate of Delivery  within  the  specified  term  (which  is  mandatory),  the warranty  shall  not be  activated  and  the  Dealership shall  be personally  responsible  for  the  fulfillment  of  the warranty obligations to its own customers.

The  use  of  A. Carraro  products  by  the  Dealership  (for  example,  use  of  machines  for  tests  and/or demonstrations, loan, rental, etc.) is deemed as the start of the warranty period, and therefore the warranty activation procedure must be followed.

Throughout the warranty period, the scheduled service operations (ordinary maintenance) must be carried out at an authorized dealership, in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions, otherwise the warranty shall be deemed null and void.  The Dealership must record all services in order to validate the warranty.  


The following items are excluded from warranty cover:

- Used parts and products, including those produced by A. Carraro.

- Parts  not  produced  by  A.  Carraro  which  are  instead  covered  by  the  warranty  policy  of  the  respective manufacturer/distributor (e.g. tires, car radios, satellite devices or similar, etc.).  The  Dealership  is  required  to  activate,  where  applicable,  the warranties on all such products. The warranty is therefore not activated at the same time as the sending of the Certificate of Delivery for the A. Carraro product.

Any A. Carraro products which, in the judgment of A. Carraro, have been damaged or compromised by the following are excluded from warranty cover:

- improper use, accidents, other hazards, negligence, carelessness, or use in excess of the prescribed operating capacities;

- lack of, or insufficient, normal maintenance;

- non-compliance with the instructions in the Use and Maintenance Booklet;

- repair and/or maintenance carried out without observing the specific instructions provided by A. Carraro;

- installation of accessories and devices (e.g. 4.0 kit) unknown by A. Carraro;

- equipment and accessories which prevent its correct operation and compromise its integrity;

- non-original or used parts, including those produced by A. Carraro;

- parts, applications, transformations aimed at modifying the performances, yield or capacity of the vehicle.

The following are also excluded from the warranty and shall not be reimbursed:

- lubricants (if the original “Tony line” lubricants purchased from the A. Carraro Spare Parts Service are not used);

- costs sustained for the transport/transfer of people and vehicles from or to the place of repair;

- costs sustained for courtesy vehicles;

- damage sustained during product transport;

- financial losses sustained as a result of an inability to use the product.

The  warranty  does  not  cover  consumables  and parts inevitably and predictably subject to wear/deterioration due to normal usage.  These include, but are not limited to: filters, drive belts and chains, brake components, clutch components, bulbs, fuses, brushes, hydraulic control valves, hydraulic pumps, hydrostatic units, glass, light units, grass cutter blades and grass suction pipes.  

Should any fault or damage to complete functional assemblies be found during the warranty period (such as for example,  hydrostatic  units,  complete  solenoid  valve  blocks,  engines)  and these require replacement, the  dealership  must  contact  A.  Carraro After-sales Service before dismantling or replacing any components of the assembly in question.  A. Carraro shall accept no liability, whether direct or indirect, for losses incurred as a result of damage of any type or nature.

Dubious warranty claims

In the event of doubt as to whether specific damage is covered by the A. Carraro warranty, the Dealership should proceed in the most appropriate of the two cases described below: 

- contact A. Carraro Technical Assistance Service immediately to obtain authorization for the repair under warranty;

- charge the cost of the repair to the customer, with conditional reimbursement should the warranty claim be accepted by A. Carraro Technical Assistance Service. 


To make a claim under warranty, complete the on-line form on the B2B portal (http://b2b.antoniocarraro.it).  Claims under warranty must be sent within 60 days of the date of the damage and within 30 days of the date of repair. Claims sent after this period will be obligatorily rejected and must not in any circumstances be submitted.  As regards materials for repairs under warranty, if not already in stock at the dealership, they can be ordered from A. Carraro Parts Service as a "Warranty-Urgent" order A. Carraro undertakes to reimburse the Dealership in accordance with the conditions stipulated for ”Warranty-Urgent” order (list price less 20%) for parts used, provided that these are ordered using this order type, and for labour at the rate agreed with the Dealership.

NB: if the claim under warranty sent includes material not purchased with an “Warranty-Urgent” order but nonetheless purchased from A. Carraro, this will be reimbursed under the terms for a “stock replenishment” order (standard) in effect with the dealership.  

A. Carraro undertakes to reimburse the Dealership in accordance with the conditions stipulated for “Warranty-Urgent” orders (list price less 20%, excluding parts at net prices) for the parts used (provided that these are ordered using this order type and that the relative reference is indicated in the Warranty Claim Form), and for labor, at the rate agreed with the Dealership. 


The warranty procedure does not require the parts replaced during the repair process be sent first to A. Carraro.  However, these parts should be kept by the Dealership so that they are available if they need to be inspected by the After-sales inspector from A. Carraro Technical Assistance Service  on the occasion of his/her first convenient visit or, unless otherwise communicated,  for a period of 30 days from receipt of the warranty response.  These  parts must also be identifiable and traceable by both the Warranty Claim Number and the  product serial number.

Any  damaged  material  sent to  the  Technical  Assistance  Service,  unless  requested,  shall  not  be accepted,  and shall be returned to the sender.


Following presentation of the warranty claim form, A. Carraro Technical Assistance Service  shall communicate its response to the Dealership via a "PDF" document sent to the e-mail address provided by the Dealership. A copy of this document is available on the B2B portal (http://b2b.antoniocarraro.it).

Reimbursement  of  the  claim  shall  follow,  in  accordance  with  the  usual  procedure  established  with  the Dealership.

The judgment of A. Carraro Technical Assistance Service shall be final.

***The court of Padua shall have sole jurisdiction for all legal disputes.***

***A.CARRARO S.p.A. reserves the right to modify the“General conditions of warranty” at any time without prior notice.***

***This document is confidential; if you have received it in error, please delete/destroy it in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 ***


“EXG24+24” Maximum Protection, Up to 4 worry-free years!

Antonio Carraro S.p.A. (hereinafter A. Carraro) guarantees the product and its component parts for an additional period of 24 (twenty-four) months or a maximum of 4000 operating hours for end customers who purchase the extended warranty “EXG24+24”, provided that the machine, if already in the possession of the customer, is still within the first warranty period of 12 months from the time of purchase.

For the duration of the warranty period A. Carraro undertakes, acting through its own authorized service centers and  those  of  its  agents or local Dealerships,  to  replace  free  of  charge any  parts  found  to  be  defective  as  a  result  of  verified manufacturing or material defects, provided that the scheduled services have been carried out in accordance with  the  indications  of  A.  Carraro  (see  portal  B2B http://b2b.antoniocarraro.it).  The  replacement  and repair operations shall be performed in the shortest time possible, in accordance with the capabilities of the Dealership.

On purchase of the package “EXG24+24” A. Carraro extends the general conditions of warranty for a further 24 months from the expiration date of the original 24 month warranty or up to a maximum of 4000 operating hours.  Throughout the warranty period, the scheduled service operations (ordinary maintenance) must be carried out at an authorized dealership, in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions, otherwise the warranty shall be deemed null and void. 

It is possible to purchase the extended warranty package “EXG24+24”:

  • After purchase of the tractor by the end customer, within the first warranty period of 12 months; this will extend the warranty by a further 24 months;
  • At  the  time  of  tractor  purchase;  this  will  immediately  extend  the  warranty  period  by  a  further  24 months, making a total of 48 months.

The following are excluded from the 1st year of extended warranty or a maximum of 3000 operating hours:

  • The electrical system (instruments, accessories and controls);
  • Bodywork;
  • Paintwork;

The following are excluded from the 2nd year of extend warranty or a maximum of 4000 operating hours:

The electrical system (instruments, accessories and controls);

  • Bodywork;
  • Paintwork;
  • Power steering;
  • Remote valves;
  • Hydraulic pipes;

In  addition,  any  financial  losses  resulting  from  the  inability  to  use  the  product  are  not  reimbursable  under warranty.  A. Carraro shall accept no liability, whether direct or indirect, for losses incurred as a result of damage of any type or nature.